I have been on the road celebrating a big milestone in my career for the past three months. A celebration of my book launch #EMRACINGTHECALMINTHECHAOS . It has felt like my BOY MEETS GIRL(R) NYFW shows where thousands of people come out ( family, friends, colleagues, fans, editors, etc). It is my Taylor Swift concert moment. But, what is so special and something I described at my last NYFW show is how everyone comes together for that moment and for that moment there is a celebration of life and a celebration with your community. And at that moment there is no disagreements or discussion of politics or your views on this or that. It is pure joy.
It was the month before our world shut down. This was the run of the show I wrote that everyone received. More here.
“IMAGINE being in a circle next to people from different backgrounds, who have different passions, and different world views. Then, imagine for that one moment you come together as a COMMUNITY, celebrating FREEDOM, and living with INTEGRITY. Do you feel me? If you do, then you have arrived. That MOMENT is RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE! We might not see eye to eye all the time, but we can come together and celebrate, and maybe even teach each other something new. I challenge you.”
When I captured tonight’s Manhattanhenge in NYC with my son Dylan I looked behind me and captured everyone standing staring as we were and capturing this special moment with smiles and happiness. That is the moment and how I wish just like John Lennon did that we could live in peace.
Thanks for buying my book, promoting my book, sharing my book, and reviewing my book.
I’m so much happy for you and appreciate those who showed love ,support and joy so far ❤️💕💕💕🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥