Ectopic pregnancy, the need for blood tests to check for a blood clotting issue that can affect pregnancies, up-cycling clothing, and the Doona car seat. Claudine DeSola, Experiential & Influencer Marketing Director, founder of Caravan Stylist Studio, and a cofounder of clothing brand LIVARI, shares her mom products and solutions with Stacy Igel and Michelle Park. In this episode:
Ectopic pregnancy and resulting surgery
Finding out pregnant
And then discovering an autoimmune condition and a blood clotting disorder
Ask for a test of all hemoglobins, a full blood test, because certain conditions they can cause a miscarriage
Baby aspirin
Up-cycling a lot of clothing for Claudine’s relatives
Did so much research on strollers, car seats etc
The Doona car seat that fits into a stroller
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Claudine DeSola – Products and Solutions – Wednesday