Today I wished for the world to look like this.
I’ve dreamt of a world filled with peace, love, and kindness my whole life—one free from hate and violence. Often, I find myself glancing down at my phone just as 11:11 appears, and I quickly make a wish before it turns to 11:12. Though I don't always catch it, when I do, I wish with all my heart.
Lately, though, I find myself questioning why such horrible things are happening in the world. It makes me wonder if I still believe in the ideals I've always held dear. Are you finding yourself questioning things too? Maybe the issues surrounding us aren't hitting you as hard as they are for me, but I'm sure there are other things in your life that make you question the world too, right?
What’s hard for me is that I’ve always been a 'cup half full' kind of woman. While some may find that mindset difficult to embrace, I believe it’s what keeps me moving forward, especially during tough times. I wrote about this terriorist attacks in my book Embracing The Calm In The Chaos and for Lady Gunn Magazine here in 2015 after my trip to launch my brand at colette in Paris.
I noted, “This piece was supposed to be about my brand’s launch in Paris at the world-renowned Colette – a fashion kingmaker of a boutique. This piece was supposed to be about my launch party there on Thursday night, about 24 hours before the terrorist attacks. I feel comfortable talking about fashion. I understand it. The savagery and brutality of these attacks, I cannot understand. Writing about the Paris fashion scene seems so trivial compared to the hotbed of geopolitical issues being discussed the world over by people so much more intelligent and word-facile than me. So trivial, when you contemplate the fact that there are far too many mothers and fathers in Paris that will never have the chance to tell their sons and daughters that they love them just again. But all of us, Parisiennes especially, must not allow the brutality and senselessness of these attacks prevent us from living our lives any differently than we did on Thursday, November 12th or on September 10th, 2001. So now we move forward. Aller de l’avant. Ever forward, lest we return to the Middle Ages. And I will focus on what I know, what I can understand, and what I love. And that is fashion. Without further ado, here is a recap of my fashionable travels this past week in Paris. Merci.
Today, on September 4th, 2024, I find myself feeling a bit paralyzed. Shootings continue to occur in schools across the country, and the October 7th massacre in Israel stands as the worst since World War II. What has continued to happen since October 7th I share more of on my Instagram stories and right now I am to exhausted to dive into all of it. But I can say I want the hostages saved and a cease fire. To much bloodshed and hatred is happening around the world and it must end.
But I focus on what I do best—bringing communities together, sharing stories, uplifting others, and helping wherever I can. I continue to collaborate with thought leaders and brands, and I’m excited to share an upcoming back-to-school collaboration with you soon. Here is a sneak peek!
These efforts make me feel whole and help me keep going when I’m sad or angry. I hope you, too, find something that keeps you moving forward.
As part of my efforts to help, I was invited to contribute to this book by
with 74 other authors and advocates. As previously shared in my newsletter I am one of the founding members along with Zibby for Artists Against Antisemtism ( previous posts on this here and here ). The proceeds from this book are donated to Artists Against Antisemtism.I wrote an essay in this book, where I also share a story about something Rachel Goldberg-Pollin taught me many Passovers ago. Rachel has always been a pillar of strength for all moms. I’m deeply saddened to hear about the tragic killing of her son, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, by Hamas. I can only pray that his belief in bringing people together will continue to inspire unity around the world, leading us to come together rather than fight in the year ahead.
Please spread the word. Also the audio is read by all us authors so I highly suggest listening to it as well. Thank you as always for your support and STANDING UP WITH ME! Thank you to Zibby for putting this together and all involved.
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