Stacy, you are kind to share a bit of my work with your community. Thank you so much! Crowdfunding can be such a powerful tool, especially for small business entrepreneurs who often struggle to raise capital.

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@devin thrope I was thrilled to see this and I wish I had this when I was in the trenches of raising capital in 2001-2007 .

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Another question I get asked a lot and would love your opinion or we can collab on the layout of this . If you are receiving a transfer from a vendor to your account what is the best and cheapest % stripe , Venmo , PayPal , ach , standard wire ? Many companies like to use credit card so stripe has been seen to be the best agreed ?

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Twenty years ago, the unequivocal answer to how to reach people was email. Forty years ago it was by telephone--talking to someone. Now, I am frustrated by the plethora of options that make it harder not easier to reach someone.

Sending and receiving money is the same--too many options. Every method requires a bit of investment in set up and account maintenance. It is a pain.

Years ago, I got some great advice that I still believe but also recognize has never been harder to follow: "Make it easy for people to give you money."

It may be impossible to set up every option, but it is wise to give customers and clients as many options as possible.

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Thank you so much for sharing details about Devin's work, Stacy! Devin's insights into crowdfunding are invaluable and provide great options for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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I think it is so important for entrepreneurs to understand there are many options at their figer tips and if they work hard they can raise capital without VC's or Private Equity dollars. Thank you!

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